Peux-tu te présenter en quelques mots?
Mon nom est Laetitia, plus connue sur la toile(internet) sous le pseudo de Késia.
J’ai 28 ans et habite Rennes, dans l’ouest de la France. Je partage ma vie avec mes trois hommes : DH et nos deux loulous Sacha et Jonas âgés de 4 et 3 ans.
Je suis une addict du scrapbooking depuis Février 2006, une passion devenue mon métier à temps plein aujourd’hui… une belle histoire d’amour en somme…
Quand et comment as-tu connu le scrapbooking?
J’ai découvert le scrapbooking à la naissance de mon second fils suite à la lecture d’un article dans une revue dans la salle d’attente de mon pédiatre.
Scrapbook…quoi ??!!! J’ai aussitôt entrepris quelques recherches sur internet et ai découvert la richesse créative de la blogosphère française d’abord, puis mondiale !!! Naissance d’une passion pour un loisir me permettant d’allier mon côté créatif à ma passion récente pour la photographie !
Une façon également de pouvoir conserver les souvenirs de tous ces précieux moments en famille…
Quel est ton parcours de scrappeuse?
Très vite, je me suis lancée à mon tour dans la création de mon propre blog en me disant que ce serait une façon de pouvoir scrapper de façon plus régulière… La blogo scrap étant une communauté dynamique et généreuse, j’ai pu rapidement partager ma passion et faire quelques belles rencontres avec d’autres addict comme moi…
Je me suis vite prise au jeu… ai scrappé quotidiennement… et eu quelques opportunités très intéressantes créativement parlant. J’ai participé à des magazines français spécialisés par le biais d’articles tels que Idées de Scrap, puis Esprit Scrapbooking dont je viens de quitter l’équipe créative.
Parallèlement, j’ai commencé à animer des ateliers toujours dans cette même idée de communiquer ma passion.
Et enfin,en septembre 2007, je me suis lancée dans une grande aventure, celle de lancer ma propre marque de scrapbooking appelée Kesi’art avec des produits colorés, dynamiques et modernes, fidèles à mon propre style de scrap : tampons, stickers, rubons et autres embellissements…
Une aventure exaltante dans laquelle je prends énormément de plaisir et qui me comble pleinement !
Quel est ton processus de création?
Je ne dirais pas que je n’ai qu’un processus de création, toujours le même, non, j’aborde mes réalisations de différentes manières…
Le plus souvent, mon point de départ reste la photo et j’essaie de tout mettre en place afin de restituer son ambiance.
Mais ce point de départ peut être également un titre ou une anecdote de ma vie familiale que je souhaite immortaliser… mais aussi une mise en page, ou un papier que je souhaite à tout prix utiliser…
Le travail d’embellissements, lui, arrive systématiquement en dernier, le but étant d’équilibrer ma mise en page ou finir le jeu d’harmonisation des couleurs.
Qu'est-ce qui fait, selon toi, qu'une page est réussie et terminée?
Dure question… Souvent lorsque j’arrive dans la dernière étape de la réalisation d’une page, je me pose la question de savoir si elle est terminée ; pour en être tout à fait certaine, je mets ma réalisation de côté et revient y jeter un coup d’œil le lendemain… on dit souvent que la nuit porte conseil, non ?!
Une belle photo, une mise en page travaillée, une belle harmonie visuelle… ingrédients qui sont pour moi nécessaires à une belle page !
Disons qu’une page réussie est avant tout une page qui nous plaît !
As-tu des outils, matières ou embellissements de prédilection?
Mes favoris scrap sont nombreux : cela va des tampons aux stickers, des papiers aux rubans, du tissu aux overlays…
La récupération est également une voie dans laquelle j’aime fouiner… carton, calque, liège…etc…
J’aime toute la richesse de la diversité des matériaux utilisés en scrap… sûrement mon côté touche-à-tout!
As-tu des trucs ou conseils à nous donner?
Mis à part se faire plaisir, je ne me sens pas qualifiée pour donner des conseils. L’important est effectivement de prendre du plaisir, d’explorer toutes sortes de pistes, de s’amuser… Ne pas hésiter à répondre aux différents challenges lancés sur les forums et blogs, en nous faisant sortir des sentiers battus, ils sont un bon moyen de « remuer « notre créativité !
Can you introduce yourself in few words?
My name is Laetitia, better known on the web under the name of Kesia. I am 28 years old and lives in Rennes, western France. I share my life with my three men: DH and our two loulous Bridget and Jonas aged 4 and 3 years old. I am a scrapbooking addict since February 2006, a passion became my full time job today ... a beautiful love story ...
When and how did you start scrapbooking?
I discovered scrapbooking just after the birth of my second son, reading an article in a magazine in the waiting room of my pediatrician. Scrapbook ... what ??!!! I immediately undertook some research on the internet and I discovered the creative wealth of the French blogosphere, then the World! Birth of a passion for a hobby I can combine my creative side to my recent passion for photography! Also a way to keep memories of all those precious moments with my family ...
What is your "scrap" path ?
Soon, I started by creating my own blog, telling me that it would be a way to scrap on a more regular basis ... The scrap world is vibrant and generous, I was able to quickly share my passion and make some good meetings with other addict like me ... I quickly enter in this world ... I scrapped every day ... and had some very interesting and creative opportunities. I participated in specialized french magazines such as ideas Scrap, Esprit Scrapbooking then I just leave the creative team. Meanwhile, I started to run workshops still in this same idea to communicate my passion. And finally, in September 2007, I start a great adventure, to starting my own scrapbooking products brand called Kesi'art with colorful, dynamic and modern, true to my own style of scrap: stamps, stickers, Rubons and other embellishments ... An exciting adventure in which I take great pleasure and fulfill me!
What is your creative process?
I would not say I have always the same creative process, , no, I turn my work in different ways ... Most often, my starting point is the picture and try to put everything in place to restore the atmosphere. But this starting point may also be a title or a story of my life that I want to capture ... but also a layout, or a paper that I want to use at any cost ... Adding embellishments always comes last, to balance my layout or finish the color matching.
What makes, you think a page is successful and completed?
Hard question ... Often when I arrive in the last stage of the realization of a page, I wonder whether it is completed, to be absolutely certain, Iput it away and look at it the next day ... A beautiful photo, a great visual harmony ... ingredients that are necessary for me to a beautiful page! Let's say a page is successful when we like it!
Do you have any tools, materials or embellishments of choice?
My favorite scrap are many: i like stamps as much as the stickers, papers, ribbons, cloth, overlays ... Recuperation is also a way in which I explore ... cardboard, layer, cork ... etc ... I love the richness of the diversity of materials used in scrap ... certainly my dabbler side!
My name is Laetitia, better known on the web under the name of Kesia. I am 28 years old and lives in Rennes, western France. I share my life with my three men: DH and our two loulous Bridget and Jonas aged 4 and 3 years old. I am a scrapbooking addict since February 2006, a passion became my full time job today ... a beautiful love story ...
When and how did you start scrapbooking?
I discovered scrapbooking just after the birth of my second son, reading an article in a magazine in the waiting room of my pediatrician. Scrapbook ... what ??!!! I immediately undertook some research on the internet and I discovered the creative wealth of the French blogosphere, then the World! Birth of a passion for a hobby I can combine my creative side to my recent passion for photography! Also a way to keep memories of all those precious moments with my family ...
What is your "scrap" path ?
Soon, I started by creating my own blog, telling me that it would be a way to scrap on a more regular basis ... The scrap world is vibrant and generous, I was able to quickly share my passion and make some good meetings with other addict like me ... I quickly enter in this world ... I scrapped every day ... and had some very interesting and creative opportunities. I participated in specialized french magazines such as ideas Scrap, Esprit Scrapbooking then I just leave the creative team. Meanwhile, I started to run workshops still in this same idea to communicate my passion. And finally, in September 2007, I start a great adventure, to starting my own scrapbooking products brand called Kesi'art with colorful, dynamic and modern, true to my own style of scrap: stamps, stickers, Rubons and other embellishments ... An exciting adventure in which I take great pleasure and fulfill me!
What is your creative process?
I would not say I have always the same creative process, , no, I turn my work in different ways ... Most often, my starting point is the picture and try to put everything in place to restore the atmosphere. But this starting point may also be a title or a story of my life that I want to capture ... but also a layout, or a paper that I want to use at any cost ... Adding embellishments always comes last, to balance my layout or finish the color matching.
What makes, you think a page is successful and completed?
Hard question ... Often when I arrive in the last stage of the realization of a page, I wonder whether it is completed, to be absolutely certain, Iput it away and look at it the next day ... A beautiful photo, a great visual harmony ... ingredients that are necessary for me to a beautiful page! Let's say a page is successful when we like it!
Do you have any tools, materials or embellishments of choice?
My favorite scrap are many: i like stamps as much as the stickers, papers, ribbons, cloth, overlays ... Recuperation is also a way in which I explore ... cardboard, layer, cork ... etc ... I love the richness of the diversity of materials used in scrap ... certainly my dabbler side!
Do you have any tips or advice to give us?
Apart from having fun, I do not feel qualified to offer advice. The important thing is to actually have fun, to explore all sorts of technics ... Do not hesitate to try the various challenges at forums and blogs, it's making us think outside the box, they are a good way to "stir up" our creativity!
Apart from having fun, I do not feel qualified to offer advice. The important thing is to actually have fun, to explore all sorts of technics ... Do not hesitate to try the various challenges at forums and blogs, it's making us think outside the box, they are a good way to "stir up" our creativity!
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